Stress, stress, stress!
I know it has been awhile since I have blogged and I apolgize for that.
Our bodies react to stress like you wouldn't believe! And our bodies don't know the difference between stress from home, work, kids, working out too much, etc. I feel like I have been getting this question a lot lately...I am just so stressed, etc and I don't understand why I'm not losing weight. Well, I can tell you. Your body doesn't like stress but there are ways to help reduce stress which will then help you lose the weight.
Stress and weight gain (or lack of weight loss) go hand in hand. Though you may not be aware of it, being under constant stress can increase production of the hormone cortisol which can cause an increase in appetite as well as extra fat storage around the abdominal region--a big no-no since abdominal fat is linked to diabetes, high cholesterol and other health problems.
Everyone is different. As a personal trainer I would of course say exercise is the best way to reduce stress.
One way to take control of the stress in your life is through physical activity. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. - According to the Mayo Clinic.
But some stress their body out BY exercising so they may need a different approach.
Here are some things to try to reduce stress. Again it is all up to you- I am just giving you some suggestions!
1. Laughter
2. Rest/sleep
3. Keep a journal
4. Exercise
5. Eat healthy
6. Get a hobby
7. Plan out your day/week
8. Go out on a date or with friends
9. Get a massage
10. Cut back on work hours
Just like how I preach you will not see the weight come off or the inches go down if you are not CONSISTENT in living a healthier lifestyle (working out/eating healthy) you will need to be consistent with whatever works for you in reducing your stress! It probably won 't work if you just do it every now and then.
It doesn't hurt to try something on the list. You may have to try more than one- who knows???
In Health,
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