Lab Results Are In!


I went to my regular doctor today to get the results of my lab work. My lab came back great, including my thyroid, except my good cholesterol or HDL. It was 30 and should be greater than 50. Basically, it should get higher as I am exercising and eating well. My OBGYN has told me in the last year that I have PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I am just now researching more about this but have been told that it is harder for women, who have PCOS, to lose weight - even when eating right and exercising. Not Fair!!! But, this could be the reason why my pounds aren't dropping as fast as they should, considering all that I am doing. My plan, is to continue exercising, eating right and let my body do what it needs to do. I want to lose the weight, as my BMI would go down, however - I'm not going to focus on the number. Losing inches, body fat, feeling great, clothes fitting better and getting my good cholesterol up will make me happy. Please let me know if any of you have had problems and what you did or are doing to correct the problem!


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Katy said...

I do not have PCOS but have done extensive research on the topic. PCOS sufferers generally are also insulin resistant. You could request a glucose tolerance test from your doctor if you would like to see if you are IR (similar to the GTT you take halfway through pregnancy). I don't know what eating plan you are doing but IR people should eat low carb to regulate the insulin response. Eating low carb will enable you to lose weight easier.

Mommy Movement Fitness said...

On of my other clients has PCOS and she is pre-diabetic and works out like crazy and watches what she eats! She too also has a hard time losing weight! She will really have to live a healthier life everyday!
Krista I am so proud of you! You are learning about your body and making healthy changes for you and your family! Plus you are learning so much about nutrition and exercise!

Mommy Movement Fitness said...

Thanks Katy for the great information! I should probably get that test to check on the insulin resistance. I know when I was pregnant my doctor talked a lot about the insulin resistance, but when I took the tests at pregnancy - if remembering right everything was fine. I am on a very, very low to no carb diet. So, I just keep hopeful that I will lose the weight! Thanks!

stacelyn said...

Krista, I have PCOS as well and it does make it more challenging to lose weight. The only way I have found that works for me is watching carbs. I tried other weight loss programs in the past and nothing else works as well. I usually follow a South Beach-like plan and that works for me. Good for you, keep up the good work!!
Stacey (Hayden) Painchaud

Mommy Movement Fitness said...

Thanks Stacey - it helps to hear what works for you. I agree that cutting carbs has been the best thing for me. I just wish it would come off quicker. Oh well, at least I'm making changes in my eating and exercising that will stay with me forever. I will do more research on the South Beach plan - Thanks for your support!

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The First Workout With Tonya

The Journey

"When are you due?" This is a question I've been asked too many times....and I'm NOT Pregnant. I don't like the way I look, the way I feel and I'm going to do something different for myself, for my family, for my daughter who watches and looks up to me. -Krista Hunt

Many women across the country are stuck in an unhealthy rut that they would love to change. In today's society, with the pressures of work, family and juggling everyday life, a person's health becomes last on their "checklist," leading them down a path of unhealthy living. Local business owner, Krista Hunt will take a four month journey with local fitness trainer, Tonya Wells to help transform her chaotic life, inside and out. Her goal is to lose 45 lbs. and run/walk a full marathon on 10.10.10 (Prairie Fire Marathon). In weekly training sessions, Tonya will push Krista outside her comfort zone, getting to the root of the issues in her life which affected her health and happiness. The introduction of new exercises and eating habits will help give Krista the tools for an emotionally and physically healthier lifestyle.



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