My "Hard Core" Workout With Tonya


Wow, Wow, Wow - that is all I can say, Tonya works the crap out of you! Sweating a ton, crying, feeling pain in my sore muscles - all of it makes me feel GREAT! Today I had a double workout. First, I got up earlier to pack my breakfast & lunch. This is how I know I've changed. In the past I would not have thought out my entire day and packed a cooler with healthy foods to take with me. So, my day went like this: I ran 3.5 miles this morning with Tonya at Sedgwick County Park. We got done around 7:15 and I needed to be back on the west side by 10:30 for our "Hard Core" workout. Instead of going home to the east side and back I packed my blender, berries & protein powder for my breakfast and in my cooler packed grilled chicken with mixed veggies (the night before I grilled out mushrooms, peppers, onions and shrimp). I went to a friends house to make my shake. Then I hung out for a little bit, ran some errands and then met Tonya. On the way to my workout with Tonya I went through the Wendy's drive thru - this was my first time in three weeks (since I started this journey) that I've been to a fast food resturant. No need to worry - I just needed a bottle of water:) Of course, my workout with Tonya was very intense. She pushes me way past my comfort level but also to a place where I recognize qualities that I haven't seen in myself in a long time. As I'm crying on top of the picnic table (after holding planks and doing core work, this is after sprints with weights, running up a hill 10 times, pushing a stroller full of weights up another hill, squats, lunges and the list goes on) I told Tonya that I am finding the strong person that I used to be and whom I want to be. On a funny note, I asked two ladies in the park to rescue me as Tonya was "working me to death" - I know that everything Tonya does to me, for me or with me is in my best interest. I totally trust her and have faith in myself that I will reach my goals and live a healthier life. Thanks Tonya for all you've done for me! After my workout I picked my kids up from granny & papa's house, where they spent the night. It was now noon and I new I couldn't wait another hour to eat. Eventhough it was a pain to get up early to pack my foods, I'm so glad that I did it. Cheers to a healthier ME!

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The First Workout With Tonya

The Journey

"When are you due?" This is a question I've been asked too many times....and I'm NOT Pregnant. I don't like the way I look, the way I feel and I'm going to do something different for myself, for my family, for my daughter who watches and looks up to me. -Krista Hunt

Many women across the country are stuck in an unhealthy rut that they would love to change. In today's society, with the pressures of work, family and juggling everyday life, a person's health becomes last on their "checklist," leading them down a path of unhealthy living. Local business owner, Krista Hunt will take a four month journey with local fitness trainer, Tonya Wells to help transform her chaotic life, inside and out. Her goal is to lose 45 lbs. and run/walk a full marathon on 10.10.10 (Prairie Fire Marathon). In weekly training sessions, Tonya will push Krista outside her comfort zone, getting to the root of the issues in her life which affected her health and happiness. The introduction of new exercises and eating habits will help give Krista the tools for an emotionally and physically healthier lifestyle.



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