Difficult Weekend; Back On Track!


Happy 4th of July everyone! This weekend has been very difficult for me. I am a person that needs a strict schedule, diet, workout plan etc. That is how I've always been. The more strict it is, the better I do. I know many people think and say - that it is not reality to NOT have a slice of pizza with the kids, or have the drink when you socialize. For me, I CAN'T have the pizza, the drink etc. I know myself and right NOW in the middle of losing a lot of weight I can't at all let myself have a "moment." I know in the future, future I can in major moderation have SOME foods that I can't have right now. Anyway - my weekend seemed out of control due to my schedule being thrown off my normal, everyday life. My son ran a high fever on Friday and after taking him to the doctor, we got an antibotic for strep. My goal was to run 7 miles Saturday morning, with my sister-in-law Heather, but I was up in the night with him and too tired to go the distance, so we decided to go Sunday morning instead. On Sunday morning, Heather wasn't feeling good plus it was raining so we didn't go again. I decided to wait it out and go later on in the day. As you all know the rain did not stop and got worse at times. With a horrible attitude (because I hate running inside on the track or on a treadmill - especially 7 miles) I went to the Andover Y and ran on the track. I had to run 56 laps to go 7 miles - Are you kidding me??? So, no suprise it was not a good run day. I ended up running 2 miles, walking 1 mile, running 2, walking 1 etc.

We celebrated the 4th at my moms house with our family. My brothers and sister-n-laws were so awesome to create a healthy menu. Not only did they want to eat healthy, but for me as well. We had a variety of grilled and smoked meats, a big salad and potatoes (of course I did not eat those along with the desserts.) This helped my temptations but I'm also getting used to being around sweets and carbs that I can't have. My brother, Shelby, was awesome to create a dessert for me called "Sledge" - it is very healty and taste like cake batter. If anyone is interested let me know and I can get you the recipe. The worst thing I ate was a little guacamole on top of my hamburger with no bun. I know guacamole has good fats in it, but the salt in it was not the best. I know I should have drank more water, but when my day is off a little I forget to have the container of water right in front of me and then I don't drink as much. Monday was also a very unscheduled day and I worked out but not until after my kids' tee ball game, at least I worked out! Two months ago I would have been thrown off schedule and I wouldn't have gone to the gym Sunday or Monday and I would have eaten all I wanted on Sunday, because it was a holiday. Then it would have taken me two more weeks to get back on a schedule. I realized that eventhough the days didn't go exactly as planned, I still made time to get to the gym, I didn't eat off the plan and I got back on track with my workout schedule. I'm proud of myself for getting a little off track but getting right back on! Problems, kids, work & life will get in the way - I know it is up to me to immediately get right on track. This is the only way I will never be overweight and unhealthy again!


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The Journey

"When are you due?" This is a question I've been asked too many times....and I'm NOT Pregnant. I don't like the way I look, the way I feel and I'm going to do something different for myself, for my family, for my daughter who watches and looks up to me. -Krista Hunt

Many women across the country are stuck in an unhealthy rut that they would love to change. In today's society, with the pressures of work, family and juggling everyday life, a person's health becomes last on their "checklist," leading them down a path of unhealthy living. Local business owner, Krista Hunt will take a four month journey with local fitness trainer, Tonya Wells to help transform her chaotic life, inside and out. Her goal is to lose 45 lbs. and run/walk a full marathon on 10.10.10 (Prairie Fire Marathon). In weekly training sessions, Tonya will push Krista outside her comfort zone, getting to the root of the issues in her life which affected her health and happiness. The introduction of new exercises and eating habits will help give Krista the tools for an emotionally and physically healthier lifestyle.



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