There is NO magic pill...just HARD WORK!!!

America is the fatest (and still growing) nation.  We are 66% over weight or obese.  Heart disease is the number one killer of women right now.  What amazes me is that someone that is obese or over weight is not effected by these numbers.  WHY you ask:  because majority of them think there is an EASY FIX!  Guess what?  There's not!!!

American's spend 33 billon dollars a year on diet pills and like I said above we are getting fatter as a nation!  What is even more devasting is 20% of kids walking into kindergarten are over weight.  Our nation is dying slowing. 

So if there was an easy and quick fix then why is our nation not getting more slim and healthy with all these diet pills and nutritional supplements?  Because there is NO QUICK FIX! 

It takes hard work everyday- FOR EVERYONE (even me)!  To get in the habit of living a healthy lifestyle you have to do it over and over again everyday!  What should you do you ask:
1.  Make short term and long term goals.
2.  Plan out when you are going to workout each day.
3.  Plan what you are going to eat each day and what time.
4.  Keep a food journal.
5.  Keep a personal journal.
6.  Get a support group:  spouse, significant other, family, friends, kids, etc.
7.  Make healthy choices with food and exercise
8.  Exercise 5-6 days a week.
9.  Stay consistent.
10.  Educate yourself

Living healthy is hard for today's society.  But we have choices everyday!  It is up to you what you are going to put in your mouth and if you are going to exercise.  Let's help America stay a live longer!  Take care of yourself.  Exercise and healthy eating is the best medicine a doctor can perscribe!

In health,


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The First Workout With Tonya

The Journey

"When are you due?" This is a question I've been asked too many times....and I'm NOT Pregnant. I don't like the way I look, the way I feel and I'm going to do something different for myself, for my family, for my daughter who watches and looks up to me. -Krista Hunt

Many women across the country are stuck in an unhealthy rut that they would love to change. In today's society, with the pressures of work, family and juggling everyday life, a person's health becomes last on their "checklist," leading them down a path of unhealthy living. Local business owner, Krista Hunt will take a four month journey with local fitness trainer, Tonya Wells to help transform her chaotic life, inside and out. Her goal is to lose 45 lbs. and run/walk a full marathon on 10.10.10 (Prairie Fire Marathon). In weekly training sessions, Tonya will push Krista outside her comfort zone, getting to the root of the issues in her life which affected her health and happiness. The introduction of new exercises and eating habits will help give Krista the tools for an emotionally and physically healthier lifestyle.



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